A session with Jyoti will help you:

  • Come into your own power in a balanced way, from a place of integration and healing, with the motivation to move in new directions and have faith in the deepest spiritual wisdom within your nature.
  • Recognize and free yourself of situations, relationships, or old patterns of limitation and self-oppression that hinder your growth and development, and cause you not to be able to fully express all of who you are.
  • Get in touch with your own inner evolution and be in harmony with the flow of life in a way that helps you envision what you need for your life and mobilize your energy to actualize it.

Purple lotus
The fee for an intuitive session with Jyoti is $60 for 1/2 hour and $120 for 1 hour. All appointments are by phone, to be scheduled in the evenings and on weekends. All major credit cards are accepted using Paypal. Sessions may also be prepaid by mailing a personal check.

For details and to arrange an appointment, send an email through the Contact Jyoti page to set up a time. When you receive your response, then choose the length of your session in the window below and pay by clicking the “Reserve Session” button.

Your information will be kept private and will not be shared with any other organization or person.

    Your Name

    Your Email


    Your Message

    Session length